Thursday, October 18

baby girl update

Thankful for the Lord's protection and for so many people praying for our sweet baby girl.

I went back to the doctor this morning for another ultrasound.  Praise the Lord, my fluid is back up to normal at a 10.4!!  Baby girl looked good and more monitoring with great results.  Just to play it safe, Dr. Phillips still has me on a modified bed rest (80% rest/20% up and around), meaning no chasing 5 boys around, so my mom is willing to stay as long as it takes.  He still wants me  to come in twice a week for monitoring and a once a week ultrasound to make sure my amniotic fluid level stays up and to see that she is growing. (I think at my last ultrasound she weighed 4 1/2 pounds and was measuring about 2 weeks behind in growth, which they weren't too concerned about).  So, so thankful that things are looking good and have improved drastically!!

So while on bed rest, my bedside table has been stocked with water, flowers from my sweet neighbor Amy, magazines and movies from my sweet friend and neighbor Brooke, and drawings and lego creations from my sweet boys.  So thankful!!  My sweet friend Clara also brought over a bag of goodies...the Elizabeth Gaskell dvd series, a fall scented candle, and some treats.  How sweet and thoughtful is that???  We've also had sweet friends bring us meals...amazing provision!  God is so good!

I've also been trying to catch up on some baby books (I'm waaaay behind in documenting in their books) and folding lots of laundry.  Since I can't do anything to help around the house, I can at least fold laundry.  So my mom has been bringing me load after load after load.  :)

And then today after a good report on my amniotic fluid and chugging so much water that I am completely water logged, Brian treated me to a Sonic Dr. Pepper. :)  It tasted sooooo good!!

Gotta keep chugging!

1 comment:

Scott and Trisha MacDonald said...

Noah has that same baby book and it is not very well-used either :) Right now the notepad on my phone is his baby book lol.