Tuesday, August 21

the visit

My cousin Jane and her sweet family came back to the states this summer from Russia.  And while James, her husband, was away at a conference, they decided to make a trip to Montgomery to see us!  So my mom, Aunt Kathy, Jane, and her three kiddos came to visit us for a few days.  We had so much fun with them!!  And our sweet friend Becca- our Baylor roommate- (who now lives in Birmingham) spent an afternoon/evening with us as well, along with her cutie, Sam.  Such a sweet, sweet time, and I'm so thankful they made us part of their summer!!  Swift, Scout, and Sasha just jumped right into our craziness! :)

We love our cousins!!!

 checked out things at the Buckmasters' exhibit downtown...

1 comment:

Christy said...

So fun to see! Glad you documented the occasion well and I got to see some familiar faces!