Saturday, December 29

a day in Mobile

Last stop before leaving Dauphin Island...Lighthouse Bakery for some chocolate chip cookies.  Hope to go there for a lunch date with my man next time!
packed up and ready to go... 

look!  Grandma and Grandpa ahead of us!

lunch stop at the Shrimp Basket in Mobile, where we said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Karl.

getting my craving filled with a tuna dip poy boy!

 downtown Mobile
love the lights strung across the street!




this is what Montgomery needs...a park in the middle of downtown!

My Christmas boots my boys picked out and surprised me with.  I am one step closer to becoming a "cool mom" now, according to Hudson.  All I need are some skinny jeans and a belt to go on top of a long shirt, so they tell me.  Jake also said to make sure I wear my boots on the outside of my jeans.  Fashion conscious boys...who new?? :) 













Last stop before heading home to Montgomery...Buck's pizza in downtown Mobile.  Love it!!

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