Monday, November 26

vacay at Baptist East

So another hospital stay that I thoroughly enjoyed and soaked up every minute with our adorable, little doll!  I definitely felt spoiled...all that was required of me was to feed and hold that little angel, while sweet friends and family came to visit and brought me Schlotzsky's, snacks, and Dr. Peppers. :)
And she instantly melted her daddy's heart...

Not to mention her big brothers as well...


you may not be able to tell but love at first sight for big brother jake. :) 

the sweet Henninger fam came to meet Molly! 

the nursery made Molly a bow one morning. :) 

 look at that dark hair...just like Jake when he was born. :)

soaking up my hospital stay with this little darling. 

Daddy daughter time!  Precious.

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