Monday, November 19

38.4 weeks

Another doctor's appointment today.

Total weight gain: 24 pounds
Blood pressure great.  Heart beat fantastic.  Another ultrasound.  Looks like she weighs 6 lbs 4 oz, and my fluid level was at an 11.  She is in the 15th percentile for growth.  If she had been below 10%, Dr. Phillips would have scheduled an inducement, but thankfully since she's growing, and everything seems to be looking good, we're going to just let her come on her own.  I am so relieved!!  I did not want to have to be induced.  He also checked me, and I am (barely) 1 cm dilated.  Hoping things pick up soon.

We've kept pretty busy today, and I am just now sitting down for the first time at 11 pm.  :)  Hoping to get these contractions going.  They have been coming more frequently and more intense tonight but not bad enough to start timing.  (when I am almost crying out of pain, I know I'm getting close).  Brian's parents came in town last night for the next couple of weeks; my dad and brother come in town on thursday for the weekend; and of course, my mom is here until Molly comes and after.  So a baby this week would be very nice.

We all went to Costco this morning, and my mom and George and Judy stocked up our pantry.  While the grandparents took the boys and the groceries home, Brian and I squeezed in a little lunch date before my doctor's appointment.  Then came home to enjoy my boys in the backyard...watching their football runs/plays and seeing Oliver ride all over the driveway on the plasma car.  He has really gotten the hang of it!  Came inside for potato soup for dinner and have spent the remainder of the night putting the kids to bed, cleaning the kitchen, catching up on several loads of laundry (sorting, folding, and putting away), and helping my mom make some really cute turkey cake balls for a play group Brooke is having next door at her house in the morning.  The boys are really looking forward to it!

So all that to say, I'm ready for little Molly to get here.  I may go out speed walking tomorrow, and I just may have to resort to castor oil if nothing works in the next couple of days. :)

1 comment:

Christy said...

Can't wait for the update, AND I want to know how you guys finally settled on a name. ;o) Such a cute lil' round up of names and kiddos! Can't wait to see how Molly introduces the family to a life with hairbows and lace!