Sunday, August 5

texas party

So not only was today my sweet sister's birthday (whom I never get to see but that is another sad post that I don't care to write :(  ), but we also hosted a going away party - Texas style!- for the Cheney fam, a precious family that's been an amazing part of 2Cities for the past six months, who are now moving to Dallas.  sniff sniff. :(  We are so going to miss them, but my only consolation is knowing that we'll still be able to see them when we visit family in dallas. 

Tonight we had a Texas fiesta with chili and all the fixin's, texas sheet cake, and a bunch of sizzlin' sides that folks brought over.  It was definitely a Texas size feast!! 

It was fun getting the house ready for this gathering of friends, thanks to the many creative ideas of my mom and sweet friend Christy, borrowed table cloths and napkins from my sweet neighbor Amy, not to mention my boys' help in making homemade bluebonnets (out of blue tissue paper, glue, and sticks gathered from the backyard), as well as some great Texas paintings!

1 comment:

Charles and Heidi said...

Wow! You gave them a great send-off! What a fun and very creative party! The food looked very yummy, too!