Saturday, August 4

our week through the lens of instagram

my tough guys

shopping at Sam's with 5 boys in cookies always help!

watching the rain

making bluebonnets :)

bath baby!

playing restaurant...Hudson was the waiter. those brothers sure were high maintenance customers!

watching the olympics in Mommy's bed one morning.  i love lazy, summer mornings!

How many boys can you fit in our van???
FIVE!!!  ...which is why we are now in the market for something bigger. :)

front yard sprinkler summer fun

playing school

ran into Hobby Lobby one morning after a doctor's appointment to get something for our upcoming "Texas party." peeked down this aisle and realized that we are about to enter a whole new world...and Hobby Lobby and I are about to become best friends. :)

playing airplane.  notice the luggage on the dining room table??  at this point the boys were sitting in their seats (under the blankets...the airplane roof) eating their granola bar snack.  we didn't have any peanuts. :)

pancake boys...such sweet helpers!

1 comment:

japm1944 said...

Love the pics. Miss everyone. Mima and Papa