Thursday, August 9

16 months and one day

My fearless little man.  always on the go.  Mr. Independent.  climbing everything in sight.  don't ever leave him alone for a second...there's no telling what he may do. :) 

My precious baby boy who is growing up way too fast.  His momma is trying to soak up every second with him.  His cuteness is just too much for me to handle.  I'm melting away...

So at 16 months at his 15 month check up, here are his stats...

weight: 22-3 lbs. (15%)
height: 32 3/4 in. (85%)
head circum: 18 1/4 (20%)

poor little guy had to endure his MMR and chicken pox vaccinations, too. :(

1 comment:

japm1944 said...

You are such a cutie, Oliver. We love and miss you and your brothers, and Mommy and Daddy. Mima and Papa